Thursday, May 9, 2013

The Ancient Maya... Online!

Part 1: A "Quiz" (50 points)
First, take the following quiz on Mayan civilization:
You might get stuck, use the following article to help guide your answers:
The "Quiz" is worth 50 points. In order to get the credit, you have to do your best to get the correct answers, then show me the screen with your score when you are finished. Describe the three most interesting things you learn on the handout provided.

Part 2: A Mayan Magazine (40 points, project grade)
Now that you've completed your research on the Maya, it's time to put it to use.

Follow the directions on the handout distributed in class to create your magazine cover.

Use the sources below to discover artifacts for your magazine.

Choose one topic from your assigned station to focus on with your magazine.

Be creative! Have fun with this!


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